There are two vetting processes for Swim Ireland:
National Vetting Bureau (NVB) for relevant activities undertaken in Ireland
Access NI for relevant activities undertaken in Northern Ireland.
All process can take around 30 days so do not panic! There are well-known cases it takes even longer.
You must check which, or both, is relevant to the activities you are applying for. You will not be permitted to undertake Swim Ireland activities requiring vetting without a valid vetting credential. Details can be found in the Swim Ireland Vetting Policy.
Both systems operate a combined paper and online process – although slightly different. You should read the information below for each and the instructions to be clear on necessary process.
Vetting checks are required every three years for adults and young people aged 16/17 years, working with or responsible for young people in Swim Ireland. Parent/Guardian consent is required for applicants aged 16 or 17 years old. It is each individual’s responsibility to apply for and/or maintain their vetting credential; you will receive a reminder that your credential is expiring – you should act without delay.
Download form
Explanation of Application Status – Garda Vetting for Swimming
Correctly completed applications (original signed E-Vet ID form, ID verification completed or email ID verification, copies of ID documents, and if required parent consent) must be posted to:
Swim Ireland
PO Box 13322
Co Mayo
Emailed applications are not accepted and will be deleted for data protection purposes.
Summary of instructions – all these steps are required
1. Complete your E-Vet application form with ALL the requested details – these must be COMPLETELY, CORRECTLY and CLEARLY filled in. The E-Vet application form must be signed by you, the applicant. Printed or copy signatures are not accepted.
2. If required, complete a parent consent form (for 16/17-year-old). This must be signed by a parent/carer and the original form included with the application.
3. Verify your ID by showing yourself (see below for either A or B methods) and your original ID documents (check the E-Vet ID Form for acceptable documents) to one of the following and remember this person cannot be related to you:
For Club applicants: Club Committee member, Membership or Compliance Officer, Club Children’s Officer, Guard, Solicitor
For other applicants: Guard, Solicitor, Swim Ireland appointed Tutor, Facility Manager (must provide contact details)
A) FACE TO FACE MEETING (only allowable within government recommendations). Verify your ID face to face, according to social distancing requirements. You must show your original ID documents and the copies to be included with your application. The person must then complete Section 2.
B) VIRTUAL FACE TO FACE MEETING. Verify your ID via virtual face to face meeting. You must show your original ID documents and the copies to be included with your application. The person must provide you with the email declaration below after seeing you and your documentation:
I declare I have virtually seen the applicant detailed in the accompanying E-Vet Application Form and can confirm the following:
• I verify the details in Section 1 match the original identification documents shown to me
• I confirm copies of the original identification documents shown to me will be attached to the Vet Application Form
• I confirm the Parent Consent Form will be attached (if applicant is 16 or 17 years old)
Details of person providing ID check:
Name and date as per email
Phone number:
4. Post your forms and documents include the original E-Vet application form (with the ID verification section completed OR the email ID verification declaration included) together with the copies of your ID and if required, the parent consent form to the address on the E-Vet Application form.
The vetting process will start when this is received. Read the Instructions for further information on what happens next. Incorrect forms will be returned via post with a written explanation of the error(s).
If you have any queries, email [email protected]